
Saturday 25 May 2024

Sweet Stampin' ~ Clean & Simple

Hey Sweet Stampers,
It is time to share our next challenge
and this time, we'd like to see creations that are

Clean & Simple

Share with us any of your creations that are truly
clean and simple, lots of white space, preferably single layer
and with minimal embellishments, you know the drill!

Here are our fabulous sweeties, with their take on this CAS challenge.
Be sure to 'pop up' the images for the crispest view of them,
blogger seems to be compressing our images lately.

We will be back next week with the winners from our previous challenge,
in the meantime, have fun creating for this challenge,
we can't wait to see what you're inspired to make.
Thanks for sharing your CAS themed creations with us!

♥ Love from the Sweet Stampin' DT ♥

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Thank You for joining in with the Sweet Stampers. Good Luck!
♥ Love From the Sweet Stampin DT ♥

You do NOT need to do the word verification that shows, just ignore it & click publish works! It's not because we've got it switched on, just blogger playing silly games!